Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Easy Peasy Catnip Mouse

Well, I was getting rather bored of working on my V-stitch blanky for my twin mattress, so I decided I'd hop online and see if I could randomly find some catnip toy patterns. I've made some stuffed critters in the past, so I figured I'd probably be able to make some no problem. I found this pattern at another blogger's site (click the title and it'll take you to her site and the pattern), and made a few, then immediately took pictures with my cat, Jet.

Then, I got the bright idea that, since we always go to Petsmart on the weekends, and the no-kill shelters are always there, I should make a few for their kitties, too. More crazy catnip fun to go around! Figured they might sell them, if they chose to, or they could simply use them for their own kitties (I swear I'm going to show up and personally hand a few straight to the kitties!). Well, they'd like to use them as a fundraiser, and so now they've asked me to make as many as I can make before the 21st of this month. Now, I've already made almost twenty of them, between the 9 I dropped off the first time, the 3 I made for my own cats, and the 8 I have waiting to go to the fundraiser, so I'm getting rather sick of them at this point, but oh well! They are adorable, I just need to make sure I'm switching up my projects so I don't get bored; ADD anyone?

These mice are going to The Haven, Friends for Life no-kill shelter based in Fayetteville, NC. Once I have as many as I can get done for the fundraiser done, I'll take a picture of the army of catnip mice, and I'll update you all with how much money they were able to raise for the shelter with the mice. If you're in the area, might as well see if you can whip up a few as well, and take them to Petsmart one weekend. I'm sure they'll be appreciated!

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